Original Items: Only one set available. This is a most attractive Original WWI Scottish Rifle Regimental Black Tunic with original WW1 era very tarnished brass buttons complete with quality brass mounted leather Sam Browne Belt assembly with shoulder strap.
Set comes complete with truly excellent condition sealskin busby helmet with badge, two stage horsehair hackle (black over light blue) and original thin leather chinstrap.
Uniform was designed to be worn with kilt, tartan trews (pants) or black tapered Cavalry style coveralls (also pants).
This Tunic even has the remains of its original paper label showing year of manufacture (1914), makers and size information. One of the last "romantic" Victorian Style Uniform Sets to be issued portraying the romance of military achievement that was very soon to pass into history as World War One started in August 1914 when the World went mad.
A remarkable Set from the waist up, ready to Display. Mannequin and display stand not included.